
Сарианиди В.И. Два уникальных флакона из Бактрии

Сарианиди В.И. Два уникальных флакона из Бактрии // ВДИ. 1992. № 3(202). С. 81-89.Sarianidi  V.I.  Two unique flacons from Bactria // VDI. 1992. 3(202). P. 81-89)

Two bronze flacons, ornamented with complicated compositions, originate from the robbed graves of the Southern Bactria (Afghanistan). In the' center of the composition on the first flacon a serpent-dragon swallowing a hare is depicted. On both sides of this central picture one can see two similar figures — a sitting ape and a hare jumping off head first. The upper part of the flacon is decorated bv three relief figures of the eagles with extended wings.

The second cylindrical flacon, with a long neck and a plug in form of a sitting ape, has a complicated composition in two registers. In the center of the lower register one can see a billy-goat sitting on a throne; its forelegs are moved apart. An ape with a cup stands before the goat, another ape with a small vessel stands behind the first one; there


Сарианиди В.И. Статуэтка лошади с Алтын-депе

Сарианиди В.И. Статуэтка лошади с Алтын-депе // Кавказ и Восточная Европа в древности. М., 1973. С. 113-117.

Cарианиди В.И. Оттиск цилиндрической печати «митаннийского стиля» из Маргианы

Cарианиди В.И. Оттиск цилиндрической печати «митаннийского стиля» из Маргианы // ВДИ. 1992. № 3. С. 90-93.

Sarianidi V.I. An imprint of a cylinder-seal of «Mitannian style» from Margiana // VDI. 1992. 3(202). P. 90-93.

Representation of a winged bird-man with two vanquished animals on a vessel from the southern part of Gonur (Margiana) has close analogies in the Syro-Hittite and Mitannian glyptics. The earliest scenes of such a type originate from Anatolia, in particular — from Ahem-Huyuk (1800—1750).

Сарианиди В.И. Сиро-хеттские божества в бактрийско-маргианском пантеоне

Сарианиди В.И. Сиро-хеттские божества в бактрийско-маргианском пантеоне // Советская археология. М., 1989. № 4. С 17-24.

Sarianidi V.I.  Syro-Hittite Deities in Bactria and Margiana // Sovietskaya Archeologiya. M., 1989. 4. P. 14-24. 

A cylinder seal carrying a composition that showed in the center an acrobat jumping with a pole came from among the grave goods in a Togolok-1 burial (Margiana, South-Eastern Turkmenistan). There were other figures on the seal including anthropomorphic representations (presumably, with ape heads) who were playing tambourines and a deity with a staff decorated with balls. On the whole, the seal is close to Syro-Hittite objects, especially those done in the Mitanni style. The seal, together with other seals and amulets from Bactria, exhibit an influence of the Syro-Hittite world. They were locally made objects. This circumstance allow us to presume that there existed cultural traditions rooted in Mesopotamia (including its northern borders) that reached Bactria and Margiana through Elam. In an indirect way these conclusions may point to the western regions as a possible earlier home of the Late Bronze Age tribes in Bactria and Margiana.